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The Gift of Ageless Values
Remember Me!

Remember Me!

COVID-19… “Remember, when I laid in despair in the(..)

The History of Geography

Once, a wise man goes to a Zen master – “I want to master the art of living; please teach me.”  The master asks the man to join him for a cup of tea first. His disciple brings a tray of empty cups with a tea kettle.  Most of the cups are a random mix of ordinary cups, however, a few look exquisite.  The man picks one of the exquisite ones.(..)

Home is where the Laughter is

Lost in the Mist

On a cold, misty morning in 2007, a man started playing the violin at Washington DC Metro Station. It had been three minutes, when a middle-aged man noticed the violinist. He slowed his pace, stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule. Four minutes later, the violinist received his first dollar—a woman threw the money in the hat and,(..)

Taare Zameen Par

Taare Zameen Par

Today is Cybage’s Silver Jubilee Anniversary.  It has been a(..)

Happy Miseries

A discontented man prays every night, “God, I am the unhappiest man on the Earth!  No sooner do I sort one problem, another one pops up.   I beg you to exchange my worries with someone else – anyone will do!” Then one night, God comes in his dream, “Gather all of your miseries into a bag and bring it to the temple hall.”  When the man wakes(..)

Gone with the Wind

Once upon a time, there was a contractor who built wooden houses along the seashore. He constantly advertised for carpenters. However, most people refused to work near the coast as they dreaded the awful raging storms that would wreak havoc on new construction.  Finally, a middle-aged applicant approached the contractor.  “Are you a responsible(..)

Road Less Cycled

Once a man was riding a cycle and noticed another rider about half a mile ahead of him.  The man realized that the rider was traveling at a speed slightly lower than him, and decided to overtake the latter.  The man had about a mile to go on the road before taking his intended turn.  So, he started cycling faster and with every block inched closer to the(..)

In or Out?

Once, a very rich man goes to a wise sage with his problem, “I keep acquiring everything I please, yet each time my happiness is short-lived.”  The sage tells him to come back the next day. The man arrives the next morning and discovers the sage is searching for something in the thick bushes outside his hut.  “What are you looking for?” the man(..)

The Last Dance

The Last Dance

Chalte Chalte…  January 21st, 1 pm.  The speech was over(..)

I Loved Her First

I Loved Her First

Father of the Bride… A little while ago, I went through(..)

The Giving Takeaways

A baker and a farmer lived in a tiny English village.  The two men had a friendly arrangement where the farmer would sell a pound of butter to the baker each day. One morning, the baker  weighed the butter to see if he’d received the correct amount.  Surprisingly, he discovered that the farmer had sold him less butter than he’d paid for.  Angry(..)

Smooth Operator

A young man shopping in a supermarket noticed an old lady following him around.  If he stopped, she stopped.  Furthermore, she kept staring at him.  She finally overtook him at the checkout and turned to him to say, "I hope I haven't made you feel ill at ease.  It's just that you look so much like my late son."  To which the man replied, "That's okay."(..)

Best Kept Secret

Once a young professional approached a successful man to seek guidance on the secret of excellence. The man asked, “But why do you wish to pursue excellence?” The youngster replied, “So that my seniors notice my work, and I am rewarded accordingly.” The man smiled and beckoned the young man to accompany him on a short road trip.  They drove down(..)

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Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.