Two Shades of White

A trekker finds a precious stone in a mountain stream. The next day he meets an attractive woman who has lost her way and is starving. The man opens his bag to share his food. The woman sees the precious stone and asks the man to give it to her. He does so without hesitation. The woman leaves, rejoicing. She knew the stone was worth a fortune. But a few(..)

The Icy Warmth

The Icy Warmth

Underneath the mask… April 15, 2016. Midnight in bed: “Cybage(..)

The Shredded Mystery!

A young executive was leaving the office at 6 PM when he found the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in her hand. "Listen," said the CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important document and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work?" “Certainly, Madam" said the young executive. He turned the machine on, inserted the(..)

If Only!

If Only!

Hide & See(k)… Mar 2, 2016. It was a rapid-fire round. All(..)

Owner’s pride, without neighbor’s envy

Deep in the countryside, there was a farm with a reputation for producing the best quality corn in the state. Intriguingly, this farmland was not more fertile than the surrounding fields of corn. In fact, the farmer would even share his premium corn seeds with his neighbors right before each sowing season. Still each year, his crop fetched him a price(..)

The Hermit’s Tree

The Hermit’s Tree

Good evening Cybage and welcome again to Pune’s most happening(..)

Bridge of Skies

Bridge of Skies

Of dreams, competition, and survival… Jan 14. 4 pm. Pune. It(..)

Hop, Skip, and a Dump!

A hunter in Alaska sighted a majestic mountain lion. Since the wild cat was dangerously close, he fired quickly and aimlessly. He missed. The lion leaped towards the hunter. Fortunately, the lion hopped too high and skipped over the hunter. The relieved hunter returned to the camp and was concerned about his poor aim. So the next morning he went behind(..)

Head Starts & Heart Stops

The Trickery of the Tongue

A young girl once complains to her visiting grandfather that she feels helpless and dejected because her parents are always busy screaming at each other.  The grandfather summons the couple and asks them:  “Do you know why we scream?”  “To drill our point in the opposite head,” is the curt reply. “No.” explains the grandfather, “It’s(..)

The Field of Holes

The Field of Holes

A host-to-guest journey… 6:00am, Nov 1.  A picture speaks a(..)

The Eye of Communication

Sometimes, an old circulating message is not a mere ’forward’, it actually does carry a point… An old blind man was sitting on a busy street begging for money. On a cardboard sign, he had written: 'Blind - Please help'. However, no one was giving him any money. A young advertising writer walked past and saw the blind man with his sign and the empty(..)

The Unblind Side of Faith
The Third Eye

The Third Eye

The Unorthodox Runner 5th Sept, 10 am. Within minutes of meeting(..)

The Tidy Ways

A young priest was in charge of the garden within a famous Zen temple. Next to this temple there was a smaller temple where lived an old Zen master.  Once the priest was expecting special guests in the evening.  So he woke up early that day and spent a long time carefully raking up and arranging all the dry autumn leaves. As he worked, the old master(..)

Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.