The Inescapable Whirlpool

“Rahul.  Naam to suna hoga”!  Of course.  After all, there are 41 Rahuls in Cybage today.  In fact, the very first Cybagian’s name was Rahul too!  But there is a difference here.  This Rahul that I am referring to is not a Cybagian.  Not yet.   But this will change very soon.  And why shouldn’t it?  Look at his determination-- Stalking(..)

The Lingering Fragrance

15 years.  Sometimes, they feel like a lifetime. Sometimes, a blink of an eye. Many early memories of Cybage flash like a set of scattered scenes from a movie you saw as a kid. The shooting for this Cybage movie began in an old army colony apartment of ‘Salunke Vihar’. In those days, the first person to report to work used to be “Maushi”. All our(..)

The Three Princes

The Three Princes

Let me tell you a little story about what it takes to succeed in(..)

The Common Man

The Common Man

You know there’s a big difference between being good and being(..)

Alexander the ?????

Alexander the ?????

The memory of our first four people annual celebration at hotel Blue(..)

Cybage - Arun Nathani Blog - Page 3