If you love to read, here is the above speech in written format -
Let me tell you a little story about what it takes to succeed in Cybage. This is a story of a hermit. A long time ago there lived a hermit in the foot hills of the Himalayas. One day a king came to him with his three sons. It was a common practice in those days. Before the princes would come of age they had to learn and rough it out in Gurukul. The Guru asked, ‘Oh king, what would you like me to teach them’? To which the king replied teach them the secret of running a successful empire.
The Guru looked at the first prince and all he saw was loving adoration, ‘you need to stay close to me 24*7’. Then he looked at the second prince and saw yearning for knowledge in his restless eyes and said, ‘you need to spend all your time mastering different skills of warfare’. Then he looked at the third prince who dutifully bowed down and said, ‘you need to take care of all the chores that are required to run this Gurukul’.
Years rolled by and princes finished their education and returned home only to discover their father was dead and the kingdom was seized by ruthless invaders. The first prince of loyalty immediately took the charge of guarding the fort. He stood steadfast for he knew if the fort was to fall the kingdom will collapse. The multi- skilled prince took over the battle frontier leading his armies on elephant, horses and chariots, switching bow arrows, spheres and swords. The third prince of duty took care of all the central activities for he understood the kingdom needed to run efficiently even when the war is going on.
Now who eventually won the war? Unfortunately that part of the history is wiped out. But fortunately for us history repeated itself in the twilight of 20th century when three kalyug princes joined the post graduate gurukul not too far from here. After passing out they joined a small company with seeds of a big large empire. True to their original nature the first prince of loyalty chose bhakti marg, joined a customer account and stuck to it forever. The multi-skilled prince chose gyan marg, researching on new technologies jumping from one customer to another. And the prince of duty chose karmic marg, happily playing whatever vertical or horizontal role the organization kept changing for him. Now it so happens in 3 weeks from now these 3 princes are going to hit their 10th year milestone and this time we have one opportunity to complete the story. The bhakti prince today heads our largest customer account Symantec: Rajnikant Tripathi. The gyani prince is our top most Microsoft architect Raghava Reddy and the karmic prince has reached the highest employee grade our CTO Jagat Pal Singh. There you go! I present to you your 3 princes tonight.
It is my hope that their story of 3 secret paths to success is an inspiration to many younger Cybagians particular those who feel they have missed the bus at Cybage. These days, cars, trains, planes everything travels much faster. I know there is no shortcut ahead but I promise you that the journey is so long you will get ample of opportunities to overtake the missing bus. And don’t take my word for it; a future has already been crystallized! You see the last 10 years saw your company grow from 100 cybagians to 3000 strong today that’s a growth of 30 times and is our crystal clear destiny that in the next 10 years our silver jubilee will grow another 30 times till we create employment for one hundred thousand Cybagians . The scripters of this destiny are not going to be our three princes or any magical crystal ball fairytale; rather 3000 princes and princesses, each with the power to ride his or her own destiny. For today’s Cybage this stage where I am standing right now is a center stage but for tomorrows Cybage this entire ground is going to be a center stage. Thank you.
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