Two Shades of White

A trekker finds a precious stone in a mountain stream. The next day he meets an attractive woman who has lost her way and is starving. The man opens his bag to share his food. The woman sees the precious stone and asks the man to give it to her. He does so without hesitation. The woman leaves, rejoicing. She knew the stone was worth a fortune. But a few(..)

Dil Chahta Hai!

Dil Chahta Hai!

Yeh dosti… The older we get, the difficult it becomes to make(..)

Once upon a Friend

Once upon a Friend

A chai break… Oct 8, 2018, 10:30 am, New Delhi. It was(..)

The Changing Constant

The Changing Constant

Que Sera Sera… The trio screamed, jumping up & down on the(..)

A Juicy Tale

A Juicy Tale

A large farm in Goa was famous for its watermelons.  Every year, the(..)

Wheel of Dharma

Wheel of Dharma

Commoditized in exclusivity… Sept 29, 3:00 pm.  It was an(..)

The Aching Joy

The Aching Joy

Shine & Shadows… What is tougher — the first or the last(..)

In Search of Hope

In Search of Hope

Good evening. You know what’s the most special thing about the(..)

An Optionless Choice

A rich, old man with no offspring decides to hold a competition to determine who should get his inheritance. He summons all the poor people in the locality, and gives each one a seed. “Plant this seed and nurture it. In one year, bring back the flower that grows from it. Whoever brings me the most beautiful flower is capable of nurturing my wealth, and(..)

The Laughing Decades

The Laughing Decades

...tick...tick...tick... June 4th, 2015.  Just another revolution(..)

The Field of Holes

The Field of Holes

A host-to-guest journey… 6:00am, Nov 1.  A picture speaks a(..)

A Passage of Redemption
The Annual Bash

The Annual Bash

Behind the curtain… Dec. 17, 7.15 P.M. The countdown had begun.(..)

Wah Taj

Wah Taj

A few years back, over a formal dinner, I was educated that half-way(..)

Showering in the Rainbow
Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.