Empty Problem!

Once a toothpaste factory faced a packaging problem.  Many empty boxes were shipped without the tubes inside.  Therefore, the company hired a consultancy firm to solve the issue. After spending a lot of time and money, the problem was solved.  A high-tech precision scale was installed at the end of the production line.  The scale would trigger a bell(..)

The Clutch – Part 2


A game changer… The human memory is short-lived.  Good and bad times pass, and we move on.  Two weeks ago, I was in darkness.  I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Today, on my birthday, I am on the path to recovery, but the past few days are still fresh in my mind.  It(..)

The Clutch – Part 1

The Clutch – Part 1


Too sudden and steep… Sunday, May 19th.  I am writing from an(..)

The Silver Lining

There once lived a great mathematician in a village. He was often called by the local king to advise on matters related to the economy. One day, the village headman tells him, "You may be a great mathematician, but your son does not know what is more valuable: gold or silver." The mathematician calls his son, "What is more valuable: gold or silver?"(..)

PQ (Passion Quotient)

A passionate teacher was once queried on her secret behind living in the moment—always enjoying her work with no personal baggage. She raised a glass of water, and asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?” Her students enthusiastically shouted answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds! The teacher replied, “From my perspective,(..)

A Bed of Stones

A boy has a superb assortment of colourful stones that he has gathered over the years. He meets a girl with a unique collection of antique coins. The boy is fascinated by the girl’s coins and tells her that he will give her all his stones in exchange for her coins. The girl agrees. The boy sneaks out a couple of his most exquisite stones, and gives the(..)

A Spoonful of Cheer

Once, a king sent his son to learn about the recipe for constant happiness from a cheerful sage. To the prince’s surprise, the sage was nothing like a traditional sage at all! He lived in a beautiful castle, buzzing with action. Tradesmen came and went, a small orchestra played soft music, and tables lay covered with delicious platters. The cheerful man(..)

Finding Order in Chaos

A master calls his ardent disciple home one day. The student finds the guru waiting for him in his fenced yard with four identical puppies. The guru lets them loose and asks the disciple to catch them all. The energetic puppies run haphazardly. The chase is chaotic. The disciple tries to catch one, then the other, and finally sits down exhausted after(..)

Slippery Slopes

A newly wed couple is sorting through the gift envelopes. They are elated because the total sum of “congratulations money” has surpassed their wildest expectations. But one strange envelope bothers them. It does not have the sender’s name written on it. Inside, there is no money, only 2 VIP tickets to the concert of a top Bollywood musician scheduled(..)

Cruise Away

Ever seen geese flying in a ‘V’ formation during their migration? Grace apart, there are two strategies at work. First, it conserves their energy. Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of it, bringing about a reduction in wind resistance. Lesson: A good leader makes life easier for the followers. Second, the birds take turns being in(..)

String Beneath My Wings

A young boy was learning to fly a kite. A parrot got entangled in the unsteady string of the kite and fell to the ground. The boy watched in distress as the injured bird lay an egg before taking her last breath. Heartbroken, he made a little nest on the branch of a tree and nurtured the egg. The egg hatched and out emerged the most beautiful bird he had(..)

Gainless Pain

Two racers are out on a beautiful day, zooming around the country lanes, each in a convertible.  It so happens that unknown to each other, they are on the same lane heading for each other! The lanes are winding, the hedges are high and they are going awfully fast.  At the very last minute, they see each other and hit the brakes.  The cars skid past(..)

True Lies

Four medical students were waiting in the examination hall for their professor to arrive and administer the test. Ten minutes before the end of the test, she finally arrived, limping. After apologizing profusely for coming so late, she added, “Since the exam duration is nearly over, today’s test has only one question; moreover, I will make it easier by(..)

The Shackles of Liberty

An elitist private school was faced with a unique problem, where a bunch of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick. They would apply it in the restroom, which was fine. But after that, they would press their lips on the mirror, leaving dozens of little lip prints. The untidy marks on the mirror caused inconvenience for the rest of the girls during(..)

A Civilized Jungle

A Civilized Jungle

The wild musings… July 27, 2017 (Day 4). I waited. Patiently.(..)

Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.