The True Colors

Last week, I saw a colorful Dandiya.  I attended it as one of the guests, standing in a corner, and watching.  The participation was moderate; however, the view was intoxicating.  At least from where I was watching.  How often does one get to witness so many true colors shining through?  I was so mesmerized by the sight that I decided to talk about it in my next blog.

Later in the night, I googled Dandiya to learn more about the festivity.  And I was intrigued by the information I uncovered.  Did you know that there is no historical story behind Dandiya?  No one knows how and why it started!  And yet, interestingly, this festival has gone on to capture the fascination of the global audience over the past two decades!

Amazing, isn’t it?  How did Dandiya manage to announce its arrival, while a lot more sophisticated dance forms of India have seen their glory days only diminishing?  I have been debating on this mystery over the last two weeks and have figured only one plausible explanation—the mass appeal of Dandiya lies in its “simplicity”, one that makes it easy for everyone to participate.

Like many ancient learnings, there is a corporate take-away from this traditional folk dance as well.   The brand success of an institution does not necessarily need to draw inheritance from the glamour quotient of its founders or a complex business positioning.  Instead, the job can be more efficiently accomplished if only the organization has a strong focus on providing a simple equal-opportunity dancing platform for all its constituents.

I believe every organization should strive to institutionalize this driving philosophy in its DNA.  No doubt, rich educational background and experience play key roles in getting enrolled in a good company.  But once the recruit becomes an “employee”, the past should stand normalized and the individual destinies should purely be an inheritance of the person’s performance and capabilities.  For eventually, it’s these individual destinies that collectively shape an organization’s overall destiny.

Adapted, Team, Parity, Style


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The True Colors - Arun Nathani Blog