The Blunt Edge

Once there was a group of men—a young, hot-blooded guy and a bunch of old folks. Their job was to chop down trees in the jungle.  The young chap was very hard working. He always continued to work through his break time and often complained that the older folk were wasting time, taking breaks throughout the day to drink and chat. As time went by, this(..)

It’s Not Just a Game!

It’s Not Just a Game!

The Morningmare…  I had an unusual start to the day.  Actually(..)

Beneath the Glitter

Beneath the Glitter

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Silver silver on the wall… Ahhh … the magic of the silver(..)

The Moneyless Guarantee

There was a business owner who was deep in debt and could see no way out.  He sat on a park bench, head in hands.  Suddenly an old man appeared before him.   After listening to the man’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.”  He asked the man his name and wrote out a check, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from(..)

The Changing Constant

The Changing Constant

Que Sera Sera… The trio screamed, jumping up & down on the(..)

Cruising a Bouncy River

Two travelling monks reached the bank of a river, where they met a young lady of the night. Wary of the current, she asked whether they could carry her across. The first monk just stood there hesitantly, but the second one quickly lifted her up onto his shoulders. Together, the monks waded through the river until they reached the other side, where the(..)

The Bull’s Third Eye

A young and rather boastful champion challenged a Zen master who was renowned for his skill as an archer. The young man demonstrated remarkable technical proficiency when he hit a distant bull’s eye on his first try, and then split that arrow with his second shot. “There,” he said to the old man, “see if you can match that!” Undisturbed, the(..)

The Hunt

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Entrepreneur vs. Professional What is the secret of ‘professional’ success?  Is there a universal trick? Global business journals are flooded with myriad case papers involving who-is-who that ever made it big.  The secrets seem to be as abundant as the stars in the cosmos —a few of my(..)

The Dancing Years!

The Dancing Years!

Because all business and no dance make Mr. CEO a dull blogger… Here(..)

The Nested Sacrifices

The Nested Sacrifices

You know how birds fly away? Let me tell you a story. Once there(..)

The Wagging Days…

The Wagging Days…

The Big Picture The driver pulled the car up in the driveway and(..)

The Winning Defeat

Horror gripped the heart of a World War-I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle on the enemy’s side of the bridge. The soldier asked his Lieutenant whether he could go out to bring his fallen comrade back. “You can go,” said the Lieutenant, “but I don’t think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your(..)

A Day In Our Life!

A Day In Our Life!

Mere desh ki dharti… In the olden days, non-resident Indians(..)

The Flip Side of a Coin

Once, a middle-aged jobless man was invited to a networking dinner. He put on his trousers and t-shirt, then opened the closet to discover that he had only three pieces of formal wear left—a shirt, a tie, and a jacket.  “Great”, he said, “I get to use my full wardrobe today”. So, he put on his shirt, tie, and jacket and had a great evening.(..)

A bird, a beast and a tennis player
Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.