The Artlessness of Delegation

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Lost in the civilization… I shuffled my feet slightly, made a half-hearted attempt to get up. Then sunk back into the comfortable lounge chair and listlessly surveyed the surroundings, yet again. On my front was the deserted “Flight Check-in” counter. On the far right, I could glimpse(..)

Life of a Shadow

Life of a Shadow


The field of dreams... It’s hard to be an Indian and not be(..)

The Deafening Egotism

A project manager feared that his most committed engineer couldn’t hear as well as he used to, and he thought that the engineer might need a hearing aid.   He strategized a simple, informal test he could perform to get a better idea about this hearing loss.  That afternoon, as the manager was walking through the corridor, he noticed his engineer busy(..)

Three Highfliers & a President

The DEF of Leadership

A group of children is playing near two railway tracks, one still in use, while the other disused. Only one intelligent child is playing on the dysfunctional track, the irresponsible rest on the operational track. A train approaches, and you happen to be in charge of the track interchange. You can make the train change its course to the disused track to(..)

Hot Dogs & Cold Feet

Once there was an illiterate man who was good at only one thing—that is, he enthusiastically made the best hot dogs in town and sold lots of them. His sales went up so he ordered more meat, got a bigger stove and put up an advertising hoarding. As his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from college, joined his father. Then something(..)

A Fairyless Tale

A Fairyless Tale

Serious motivational stories worked in the past. Stories, where a(..)

What a CEO Needs

What a CEO Needs


Close encounters of the déjà vu kind… Fondling age-old(..)

The False Truth

Truth is the foundation of a healthy partnership.  No rocket science there.  Movies like “Lage Raho Munnabhai” help reinforce our appreciation for the timeless ‘Truth’ principles.   Particularly when it comes to personal relationships where the stakes are high, shying away from deceit comes natural to us. However, what about business(..)

In Pursuit of Peace

In Pursuit of Peace

Jab jab we met.. They say that everyone you meet in this life is(..)

Taming the Roar

In the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, some villagers practice a unique form of logging. If a tree is too large to be felled with an ax, the natives cut it down by yelling at it.  Woodsmen with special powers creep up on a tree at dawn and suddenly scream at it at the top of their lungs. They continue this for thirty days. The tree dies and falls(..)

Wah Taj

Wah Taj

A few years back, over a formal dinner, I was educated that half-way(..)

Toying with a Mess

Once a little boy, age 4, was told to pick up some toys strewn on the floor. He merrily obliged, believing that he was helping his parents keep the house in order. A moment later, the younger brother, age 2, came along and emptied the container of toys onto the floor. This time, the elder kid saw it and despite coaxing by the parents, refused to pick up the(..)

Monkey Business

Monkey Business


Customer Perspective About a century ago, mankind was going(..)

A Wisher, a Thinker, & a Go-getter

An engineer was checking his new pay slip after appraisals with a big smile when his friend asked him, “Looks like you got a good raise”.  He replied “Yes, my company seems to have done well.”   The friend’s envious response was, “I wish I too had got a good raise like you.”  The engineer replied, “You should wish to work for a company(..)

Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.