The Forked Path

An elderly Cherokee chief took his granddaughter for a walk to teach her about life.  “There has been a fight happening inside me for many years,” he tells the young girl, “a fight between two wolves.  One wolf is evil.  It’s full of malice and anger.  The other is good.  It’s full of peace and love.  This same fight(..)

Best Kept Secret

Once a young professional approached a successful man to seek guidance on the secret of excellence. The man asked, “But why do you wish to pursue excellence?” The youngster replied, “So that my seniors notice my work, and I am rewarded accordingly.” The man smiled and beckoned the young man to accompany him on a short road trip.  They drove down(..)

Innocent Maturity

A little boy went into a grocery store and reached for a soda carton.  He, then, pulled it towards a payphone.  Back in the day cell phones had not invaded our lives as much as it has today—few places still had payphones.  The boy climbed onto the carton to reach the phone buttons and punched in the digits.  The store owner quietly observed and(..)

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