Showering in the Rainbow

Life of a Shadow – Part 2


The killing fields... Not loving him is an act of treason.  But that’s not why I love him.  I love Sachin Tendulkar because I feel very happy every time he comes to bat.   Like my billion patriotic countrymen, I too had tears in my eyes while watching him being carried on the shoulders(..)

What a CEO Needs – Part 2


Where science meets philosophy… Let me begin by thanking all those who put in the effort to comment on my last blog posting. The feedback has been informative. Interestingly, every option listed had at least a few supporters. The cumulative verdict, however, seems decisively in favor of(..)

A Fairyless Tale

A Fairyless Tale

Serious motivational stories worked in the past. Stories, where a(..)

Swinging the Pendulum

Swinging the Pendulum

Work and Play Mike Cartwright was a little different than most of(..)

The Secret of Corporate Happiness
ExcelShore - Arun Nathani Blog