The Hunt

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Entrepreneur vs. Professional What is the secret of ‘professional’ success?  Is there a universal trick? Global business journals are flooded with myriad case papers involving who-is-who that ever made it big.  The secrets seem to be as abundant as the stars in the cosmos —a few of my(..)

A bird, a beast and a tennis player
Three Highfliers & a President

Hot Dogs & Cold Feet

Once there was an illiterate man who was good at only one thing—that is, he enthusiastically made the best hot dogs in town and sold lots of them. His sales went up so he ordered more meat, got a bigger stove and put up an advertising hoarding. As his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from college, joined his father. Then something(..)

A Fairyless Tale

A Fairyless Tale

Serious motivational stories worked in the past. Stories, where a(..)

The Unhidden Potential

Here is a page from the dairy of two guys who shared the same last name—Mr. Percentile.  One of them was very intelligent; his name was Mr. Ninety Percentile.  The second was just an ordinary man; his name was Mr. Ten Percentile.  Now, Ninety wanted to make some quick bucks and lured Ten into a bet.  The bet proposition was that each of them would ask(..)

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