A Juicy Tale

A Juicy Tale

A large farm in Goa was famous for its watermelons.  Every year, the(..)

Finding Order in Chaos

A master calls his ardent disciple home one day. The student finds the guru waiting for him in his fenced yard with four identical puppies. The guru lets them loose and asks the disciple to catch them all. The energetic puppies run haphazardly. The chase is chaotic. The disciple tries to catch one, then the other, and finally sits down exhausted after(..)

The Derailed Express

In 1850 it took the average piece of mail five weeks to travel from Missouri to California. This was frustrating, since in 1848 somebody had discovered gold in the California hills and the wild rush was on. America was moving west and needed a much more efficient, streamlined way to communicate with its West Coast. The Pony Express was the answer. Four(..)

The Moneyless Guarantee

There was a business owner who was deep in debt and could see no way out.  He sat on a park bench, head in hands.  Suddenly an old man appeared before him.   After listening to the man’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.”  He asked the man his name and wrote out a check, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from(..)

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