Pitfalls & Windfalls

The subject of leadership is complex. Fortunately, the insights reside in simple stories. There was once a man who decided to counsel his lazy son through an illustration. One fine morning, he declared that he was going to bring food to the table only if his son earns Rs 200/-. The mother felt bad for her son and silently sneaked him the money and said:(..)

The Unsung Melody

Back in 1940s, there was a black pianist who played at a club in Southern California.  He was an amazing pianist, and many regulars frequented the club just to hear him play.  One day, a drunken patron put up a strange request “Sing for me.”  The pianist was reluctant—the only time he had sung in public was during his choir days at his father’s(..)


A woman is practicing driving in the countryside. The instructor, her husband, is in a terrible mood because of work-related stress. He keeps yelling at her inapt navigation, the erratic speeds, and the jerky brakes. The woman becomes increasingly nervous and shaky with his constant badgering. Eventually, her car swerves off the road, lands into a deep(..)

The Flip of Legacy

Many years ago, a man woke up and picked up his morning newspaper from the doorstep. As he opened the newspaper, much to his horror and distress, he read his name in the obituary column. The newspaper had reported his demise by mistake. His initial instinct was that of shock. But as he regained his equilibrium, he became curious as to how society viewed his(..)

Heads I Lose, Tails You Win

One day, two travellers arrive at a tribal village and are welcomed by the chief. After a warm welcome, the chief tells them “I have a wager for both of you. The winner gets my beautiful daughter’s hand and my inheritance. The loser gets a pot of gold”. It was a no-lose proposition. The generous offer reflected the chief’s good heart and wealth.(..)

Two Shades of White

A trekker finds a precious stone in a mountain stream. The next day he meets an attractive woman who has lost her way and is starving. The man opens his bag to share his food. The woman sees the precious stone and asks the man to give it to her. He does so without hesitation. The woman leaves, rejoicing. She knew the stone was worth a fortune. But a few(..)

If Only!

If Only!

Hide & See(k)… Mar 2, 2016. It was a rapid-fire round. All(..)

The Trickery of the Tongue

A young girl once complains to her visiting grandfather that she feels helpless and dejected because her parents are always busy screaming at each other.  The grandfather summons the couple and asks them:  “Do you know why we scream?”  “To drill our point in the opposite head,” is the curt reply. “No.” explains the grandfather, “It’s(..)

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