Showering in the Rainbow
The Annual Bash

The Annual Bash

Behind the curtain… Dec. 17, 7.15 P.M. The countdown had begun.(..)

A Civilized Jungle

A Civilized Jungle

The wild musings… July 27, 2017 (Day 4). I waited. Patiently.(..)

The Aching Joy

The Aching Joy

Shine & Shadows… What is tougher — the first or the last(..)

The Stroll of Grace

The Stroll of Grace

A Seamer’s Googly… Recently, an incident hijacked my(..)

It’s No Sacrifice!

It’s No Sacrifice!

Two stars & a fan… Houston. Last night. I hadn’t planned(..)

Hunt for Zen

Hunt for Zen

Good evening Cybage.   One minute… old man… dancing is not my(..)

Donald, Hillary, & I

Donald, Hillary, & I

To rein a monster! 1994. I came back to India. And never looked(..)

A Passage of Redemption
The Icy Warmth

The Icy Warmth

Underneath the mask… April 15, 2016. Midnight in bed: “Cybage(..)

If Only!

If Only!

Hide & See(k)… Mar 2, 2016. It was a rapid-fire round. All(..)

The Hermit’s Tree

The Hermit’s Tree

Good evening Cybage and welcome again to Pune’s most happening(..)

Bridge of Skies

Bridge of Skies

Of dreams, competition, and survival… Jan 14. 4 pm. Pune. It(..)

Head Starts & Heart Stops

The Trickery of the Tongue

A young girl once complains to her visiting grandfather that she feels helpless and dejected because her parents are always busy screaming at each other.  The grandfather summons the couple and asks them:  “Do you know why we scream?”  “To drill our point in the opposite head,” is the curt reply. “No.” explains the grandfather, “It’s(..)

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